Thursday, March 31, 2016

National Crayon Day

This morning when I was watching the news, I learned that today is National Crayon Day. They showed several children coloring with crayons and when some of the kids were interviewed about why they liked crayons, they responded as follows: "I love coloring.", "It lets me use my imagination!", and "I like all of the colors." At the end of the day, I shared that it is National Crayon Day and told the kids they were going to celebrate by coloring with their crayons any picture they would like. The enthusiasm level was amazing! Their comments: "This is the best day ever!", "Look what I made!", "I love drawing!" 
I guess a simple thing like coloring can really brighten your day!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


It has been awhile since my last post and I apologize for that. As you know, we adopted a new language arts curriculum this year: The Superkids Reading Program. I was reflecting on the name of the program last night as well as our monthly staff meeting where we discussed feedback. While this may sound trivial, I think ALL of your kids are SUPER kids. They come to school ready to work and usually pretty happy. One of the best parts of teaching is watching kids make connections. Yesterday in our writing we began to talk about following directions. Some of the kids were quick to point out that adults have a lot of directions. We talked about this and then played a game to show why following directions is so important. Don't be surprised if your child says to you "directions" next time they are asked to do something. Thanks for sharing your SUPER kids with me!